- At August 11, 2014
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Ortenau Klinikum Lahr-Ettenheim er et offentlig sykehus i Tyskland som benytter Ondamed i forbindelse med rehabilitering. Avdeling for traume, ortopedi og ryggoperasjoner (Klinik für Unfall-, Orthopädische und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie) ledes av overlege, prof. Dr. Akhil P. Verheyden.
– Her får en pasient behandling med Ondamed av fysioterapeut Marianne Krause, en dreven fysioterapeut som har svært god erfaring med Ondamed.
— with Silvia Binder.
Erfaring har vist at ONDAMED fungerer godt som en selvstendig behandlingsmetode og er velegnet i en kombinasjon med ulike metoder. Du finner artikler, videoer og mye informasjon her: www.ondamed.net og www.balansepluss.no
Bestill din egen ONDAMED® – nye muligheter i din praksis!
Erling Vebenstad
Daglig leder og terapeut
Telefon: 413 800 30
e-post: erling.vebenstad@balansepluss.no
- At June 03, 2014
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ONDAMED, et elektromedisinsk apparat/system som er svært aktuelt ved behandling av bl.a. kroniske- og autoimmune sykdommer som osteoporose og revmatoid artritt. ONDAMED er basert på PEMF terapi (Pulserende Elektro Medisinsk Felt).
Hva er reumatoid artritt?
Ved reumatoid artritt blir leddene smertefulle og hovne. Det skjer fordi immunforsvaret, som vanligvis skal ta seg av mikrober og virus, feilreagerer og angriper kroppens egne celler inne i leddene. Reumatoid artritt kalles leddgikt på norsk, men er ikke det samme som “reumatisme”. Reumatisme er et foreldet uttrykk som har vært brukt om ulike smerter i muskler og ledd uten klar årsak.
Les mer: Helsebiblioteket.no og NHI.no Norsk Helseinformatikk AS
Hva er osteoporose, beinskjørhet?
Beinskjørhet er en endring av beinstruktur med lavere innhold av kalsium enn normalt. Dette gjør beinstrukturen mer skjør, og øker risiko for beinbrudd – hyppigst ses brudd i ryggvirvler, lårhalsbrudd eller underarmsbrudd. Beinskjørhet i seg selv gir ingen plager, det er bruddene som medfører smerter.
Les mer: her
Erfaring har vist at ONDAMED fungerer godt som en selvstendig behandlingsmetode og er velegnet i en kombinasjon med ulike metoder. Du finner artikler, videoer og mye informasjon her: www.ondamed.net og www.balansepluss.no
Bestill din egen ONDAMED® – nye muligheter i din praksis!
Med vennlig hilsen
Erling Vebenstad
Daglig leder og terapeut
Telefon: 413 800 30
e-post: erling.vebenstad@balansepluss.no
Kronikk om behandling av borreliosesmitt av Iver Mysterud i Klassekampen 26. mai 2014.
- At May 27, 2014
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Ett av de mest kontroversielle problemene i helsevesenet for tiden gjelder hva som feiler folk som er kronisk syke etter flåttbitt. I denne «krigen» står frontene steilt mot hverandre. Heldigvis tyder stadig mer forskning og klinisk erfaring på at vi snart kan komme oss videre i synet på årsaker og behandling. Les hele artikkelen i linken: Mysterud_2014_Et kontroversielt kryp_Klassekampen (1)
Vi deltar på International Conference on Vector-borne Diseases 2014
- At May 23, 2014
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NorVect is arranging an international conference about vector-borne diseases at The Grand Hotel in Oslo, May 26th and May 27th 2014.
About Vector-borne Diseases
Traditionally in medicine, a vector is an organism that does not cause disease itself, but which spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. This sense of “biological vector” is the primary one in epidemiology and in common speech. Lyme borreliosis or Lyme disease is one of the most common among vector-borne diseases and the carriers are often ticks. However, as a tick can transmit up to 100 different infections, it shares common traits with other hosts transmitting some of the same infections – hence the name “vector-borne”. Examples of other vectors are lice, fleas, mice, mosquitos etc. They carry bacteria, viruses, multicellular microscopical parasites and other pathogens that may transmit a disease through feeding activity. In the following, a general outline on tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Borreliosis and other associated infections will be presented.
les mer her: http://norvect.no/vector-borne-diseases/
James L. Oschman, PhD og Steven Bock, MD om deres forståelse av Lyme Borreliose og deres behandlingsfilosofi
- At May 23, 2014
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Hør James L. Oschman, PhD og Steven Bock, MD om deres forståelse av Lyme Borreliose og deres behandlingsfilosofi.
05: Dr. Oschman & Dr. Bock: Discussion on Energy Medicine with Respect to Lyme Disease
- At May 23, 2014
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– Flått kan overføre smitte av borreliabakterien og flere andre mikroorganismer som kan gi alvorlig sykdom. Oftest går det bra etter et flåttbitt, og helsevesenets standardbehandling hindrer normalt at det utvikler seg en infeksjon. Dessverre gjelder ikke det for alle som blir smittet, og ikke alle som blir det, får en tilfredsstillende behandling. Flåttoverførte sykdommer kan være svært alvorlige, og derfor er det absolutt nødvendig at de blir tatt på alvor. Forskning og erfaring indikerer dessuten at det kan være vanskelig å bli kvitt en langvarig borreliainfeksjon.
– Boka Et alvorlig helseproblem: Flåttoverførte sykdommer gir en kort, historisk oversikt over oppdagelsen av borreliose, omtaler hvordan smitten overføres til mennesket, hvordan sykdommen utvikles og hvilke symptomer den kan gi på kort og lang sikt. Forskning tyder på at borreliose på lengre sikt kan føre til blant annet Alzheimers sykdom, ME (kronisk utmattelsessyndrom), multippel sklerose og psykiske lidelser. En sentral del av boka forklarer hvordan sykdommen best kan diagnostiseres og behandles. Den redegjør for de behandlingstilbudene som gis av helsevesenet og diskuterer også ulike tilnærminger fra leger og terapeuter som har en mer helhetlig behandlingsfilosofi. Det er forfatterens håp at boka kanskje kan hjelpe en rekke kroniske syke mennesker til et bedre liv.
Forfatter: Iver Mysterud – biolog, dr.philos., fagredaktør Helsemagasinet VOF.
Utgiver: Stiftelsen vitenskap og fornuft (SVOF), Jar/Bærum, Pris: kr 295. Bestilles fra DBPartner: vof@dbpartner.no, telefon 64 00 70 35
ONDAMED deltok på American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine 2014 i Orlando, Florida
- At May 19, 2014
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A4M Orlando was a success! A big thanks to all of our team members at the show and of course all the medical practitioners who visited the booth. Se her
Dr. Silvia Binder, the CEO of Ondamed, giving her lecture on electromagnetic energy medicine at A4M in Orlando, Florida! What a moving presentation, excellent work!
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Established in 1992, A4M is a global medical education provider. Through our Anti-Aging Academy, we provide Anti-Aging breakthroughs, practical knowledge, treatment modalities and skills for the practicing physician and health practitioners through our live conferences and online programming.
- At May 19, 2014
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The Future of Medicine: A Better Way To Make You Better
A synchronous and harmonious flow of energy throughout the body is important to good health. Whenever there are blockages in the energy flow in the tissues in any part of the body, ill health can result.
What is ONDAMED?
Ondamed is a pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) device that offers a highly specific biophysical analysis and application based on electromagnetic inductivity. It’s principles are based on biophysics and quantum theory. It combines pulsed electromagnetic field technology and pulse biofeedback. It is an excellent complement to any type of medical treatment regimen.
Dr. ChinQuee employs the revolutionary Ondamedbiofeedback machine to identify blockages and help create a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. Using the patient’s pulse, Dr. ChinQuee and her team are able to determine which frequencies cause a response in the patient’s autonomic nervous system. It is a simple and gentle, yet most effective application used for the purpose of inducing healing.
Ondamed sends modulated electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate the connective tissues which store nutrients and toxins in the body (the extracellular matrix).
Stimulation of the extracellular matrix:
- Enhances the release of toxins leading to improved detoxification
- Enhances the absorption of nutrients into the cells
- Reduces inflammation
- Increases cellular repair and regeneration
- Activates lymphatic drainage, thus improving the immune function
- Improves circulation of blood
- Reduces the harmful effects of geopathic and electromagnetic stress.
Almost anyone can benefit from Ondamed therapy, from infants to adults. The Ondamed frequencies will:
- Reduce pain
- Reduce stress
- Improve vitality
- Produce better, more positive moods
- Provide clearer mental thought processes
- Assist the body in fighting infections
- Assist the body in balancing hormones
- Balance metabolism
Thomas Jefferson University Pilot Study Finds Ondamed is Safe and Effective
A pilot study conducted by Joel Edman, DSc, FACN, CNS of The Myrna Brynd Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University demonstrated “significant improvement in pain levels’’ with the Ondamed Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device.
The treatment protocol was only 3 sessions since the purpose of the study was to document safety only. All of these patients had been taking medications for years without significant results in managing their chronic pain. The recommended protocol for Ondamed is at least 10-12 treatments. What was unexpected is that a significant reduction in pain was reported with just 3 sessions. All patients were experiencing pain from conditions such as:
- Fibromyalgia
- Migraine headaches
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Pain in the lower back, spine, neck, and hand from a variety of causes
Research is already underway in several clinics across the nation to document case studies that have significantly responded to the use of Ondamed including:
- Trigeminal Neuralgia, Shin Splints, Healing of Bone Fractures, Musculoskeletal Pain, Fibromyalgia, MS, as well as the aforementioned conditions.
The case studies will guide future larger scale research that will help confirm the best use and best protocol for a variety of conditions.
Aesthetics and Anti-Aging
Ondamed is also more recently being recognized in the aesthetics and anti-aging arena. It is being touted as the new age technology for ageless beauty by providing balance to patients from the inside out. Through this technology, Dr. ChinQuee is able to promote beauty by offering patient-specific treatment protocols for detoxification, weight loss, skin care, anti-aging, anti-stress, and overall well- being. There are also treatment protocols for smoking cessation.
How Does Energy Therapy Work?
Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. It is the force that causes the interaction between electrically charged particles; The areas in which this happens are called electromagnetic fields.
Humans are electromagnetic beings and are receptive to electromagnetic vibrations. Electromagnetic stimulation induces subtle current impulses in the body’s fluids, organs, tissues, and cells. The largest organ in the body is the connective tissue, which connects all cells and organs in the body. The flow of electrons takes place in the connective tissue.
Ondamed is a form of Energy Therapy whereby pulse electromagnetic fields are sent into a patient’s body with frequency ranges between 0.1 to 3200 Hrz. This unique technology locates underlying dysfunction as it simultaneously provides treatment.
Most people already know about the EKG (electrocardiograph). Many may already have had one done at their doctor’s office. It is a simple procedure that picks up and records the electricity in and around the heart. A heart cannot function without it’s electrical parts that generate, conduct and so guarantee the flow of electricity through it to keep it beating.
It is the same with our brains. the EEG (ElectroEncephaloGraph) picks up and records the electricity in and around the brain, the so-called ‘brain waves’.
So both the EKG and the EEG pick up waves, and we hope that these waves are normal. Sometimes they are not. There are many more waves in our body which have not been used yet by doctors. Examples include electrical waves of ill parts of our body. Ondamed has done decades of research and can use these ‘ill’ waves. It can find them and stimulate healing with special waves of its own, which fit exactly to the ‘ill’ waves.
How Many Sessions Are Required?
A series of at least 10 -12 sessions, each lasting no more than 30-45 minutes, is recommended but it really depends on the state of the body concerned and how far removed from good health it is. Commonly there are immediate responses of feeling better and being energized and calmed down. The issue, however, is really to “retune” the entire body optimally.
Significantly, each Ondamed session is unique for each patient and is independent of prior sessions. In view of the absolute dynamism of the human body, it is an in-the-moment interaction between the Ondamed System and patient.
As has been proven for the past 13 years, the Ondamed Biofeedback System , makes any current treatment protocol work faster and more effectively so that, in time, reduced dosages and numbers of drugs are required, if at all.
Does Ondamed Have Any Side Effects?
The impulses delivered by Ondamed generate a current of electricity in the cells on the order of millivolts. It is completely safe because it never delivers more than what the body’s own electrical system generates. Muscle contraction for instance generates about 80 millivolts whereas Ondamed never exceeds 40 to 50 millivolts.
One of the side effects of Ondamed therapy is detoxification. This may, soon after treatment, result in the passage of foul smelling stool, urine or even bodily sweat. Sometimes, the detoxification process may, in addition, take the form of a sore on some part of the body which drains fluid for a short period and then heals completely as recovery continues..
On rare occasions, there occurs a brief exaggeration of the presenting symptom, quickly followed by the onset of relief and resolution.
All of these are healing reactions which confirm that a response has been elicited in the cells. Usually, treatment would be suspended as soon as any such reaction begins and for as long as it lasts. Treatment, if necessary, will be recommended after it (the healing reaction) has subsided.
What Makes Ondamed Unique From Other Energy Medicine Devices?
What really separates Ondamed from other Energy Medicine devices is that through its unique vascular autonomic signal bio-feedback method, the directive for treatment comes from you, the patient, rather than from the practitioner.
Whereas with other Energy Medicine devices, the practitioner offers the patient what he/she suspects the patient needs.
With Ondamed, the practitioner is told by the patient, via his pulse feed-back response, where and what (i.e. which frequency) to treat.
Please call and schedule a consultation with Dr. ChinQuee to find out if Ondamed is an appropriate treatment for you.
- At May 19, 2014
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Pasienthistorien til Gabbi Hicks: My Experience with Lyme & Ondamed
Gratulerer Norsk Dental Depot som resertifisert Miljøfyrtårn
- At May 07, 2014
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NDD er totalleverandør av tannlegeutstyr og varer til offentlig og privat tannhelsetjeneste, tannteknikere og de odontologiske spesialisttjenester. AS Norsk Dental Depot holder til i topp moderne lokaler i Østensjøveien 27 på Bryn i Oslo. Virksomheten har ca 115 årsverk, og en omsetning ex. mva på ca 300 mill (2010).
Takk for at jeg også fikk bidra som konsulent ved resertifiseringen.
Les mer: www.ndd.no/OM-NDD/Kvalitet-og-miljo/